Until the End of Life Learning
Belajar Sampai Akhir HayatDulu ku pikir belajar itu harus di sekolah. Di luar sekolah kita tak bisa belajar. Ternyata dugaanku salah. Belajar bisa dimana saja dan kapan saja. Belajar di sekolah kita hanya tahu teori-teori idealis, kenyataan sering kali jauh dari kondisi ideal. Nah, kalo sudah begitu dari mana kita belajar mengatasinya? Dari hidup. Hidup di masyarakatlah yang akan mengajarnya. Tapi tentu saja cara belajar di bangku sekolah dengan di masyarakat sangat jauh berbeda. Terkadang ujian di masyarakat bisa jauh lebih kejam dan bisa membuat seseorang frustasi. Ujian inilah yang akan menyeleksi siapa yang terbaik dan siapa yang pecundang. Siapa yang jadi permata-permata berharga dengan ide dan kontribusinya dan siapa yang jadi pecundang, sampah masyarakat?
Lalu apa fungsi sekolah, kalo ujian di masyarakat tempat ia hidup bisa berbeda jauh dari sekolah. Jawabnya hanya satu persiapan, dasar, landasan ia berpijak saat kenyataan membuatnya terombang-ambing seperti perahu di lautan lepas yang ganas. Karena itu sayang sekali kalo kita sekolah hanya untuk mencari nilai dan ranking semata. Jadikanlah sekolah sebagai tempat mengasah kecerdasan, kepribadian, dan spiritual supaya kita siap terjun.
Lalu gimana jika masalah kita tak bisa diselesaikan dengan hanya bermodalkan ilmu2 yg kita pelajari di sekolah? Belajar dr orang bijak, orang berpengalaman, atau (yg lagi IN) dr internet. Di internet kita bisa nyari berbagai info yg bisa bantu kt menyelesaikan masalah2 kita, jadi jangan langsung frustasi, Bro. salah satu link tempatku nyari ilmu ini http://www.readbud.com/?ref=4089672. Aku bisa dapat macam2 ilmu praktis khususnya di bidang ekonomi yang baru2 ini baru ku pelajari coz di sekolah pelajaran ekonomi rada ngebetein jadi ku pikir waktu itu nggak ada gunanya. Coba saja klik dan dapatkan manfaatnya.
Until the End of Life Learning
I always thought it should be in school learning. Outside of school we can not learn. It turned out wrong. Learning can be anywhere and anytime. Learning at school we only know the theories of idealist, reality is often far from ideal conditions. Well, if so from where we've learned to cope? Of life. Living in a society that will teach him. But of course how to learn in school with the community is very much different. Sometimes the exam in society could be far more cruel and can make someone frustrated. These exams will be selecting who is best and who is a loser. Who is so precious jewels with ideas and contributions and who is a loser, scum of society?
So what school functions, if the exam in the community where he lived far from school can be different. The answer is only one preparation, foundation, foundation footing as the fact she made like a boat adrift in the ocean off the ferocious. Because it was a pity if our school only to find the value and rank only. Make the school as a place to sharpen intelligence, personality, and spiritually so that we're ready to jump.
Then how if our problems could be solved by science only with what we learned in school? Learning from the wise, experienced person, or (which again IN) from the Internet. On the Internet we can find various info that can help us solve our problems, so do not jump to frustrated, Bro. one of the links where this science nyari http://www.readbud.com/?ref=4089672. I could be all sorts of practical knowledge, especially in the economic field which just recently learned my lesson at school coz economy rather boring so I thought that time is useless. Try just click and get benefited.
Label: education
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