My The Bride's Proposition

I never read a Harlequin novel titled Proposal Pernikahan (The Bride's Proposition) by Day Leclaire. Setting this story in the United States. Who would have thought this story was also met my dearest person in Indonesia by itself. This is her story.
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Been so long I was undemonstrative. I wanted to quickly establish a family, but until this moment there is not also a man who propose. Because I tried urges ventured to submit the proposal at a campus activist men who know me call his name Faiz (not her real name). I deliberately chose the hope that I can like him to be an activist, defender of the people who became my ideals since childhood. I want to be with her through the long road of struggle-filled barriers. With trembling hands, and hopefully, I ventured sms him.
Khadija's mother pious men who seek brides in order to cultivate a sakinah family. Would presumably experts is to accept me. If demand for Khadija's mother in the heart experts is acceptable, please reply to my sms today.
Today I waited for a reply sms from him, not need to be asked how much I wanted he agreed to my offer. I await an answer from him uneasy until my job a little chaotic. I me can not concentrate to listen to words of his younger sister the same house like as Dewi, Euis and Layli. Until late at night I'm still waiting for an answer from him. Until bedtime, he never answered my sms. My hope is disappeared. He could not accept my wedding proposal. That's why I was shocked when a sms from him just before I closed my eyes.
Afwan, could only reply sms from ukhti now because I just read it. After carefully thought I accepted the offer because I own Khadija's mother wants fostering households. In recent days ukhti can I contact by phone for further talks to see our matches. Ukhti Hopefully, the woman who was destined by Allah Almighty to accompany me in a happy or sad.
Since that day we frequently sms and phone clandestinely to avoid libel. I accidentally received a call from him as a friend-housemates were asleep or when I'm at home my parents own. During the phone even though I never say my name because I was ashamed, scared out my identity. I'm just saying my profile only. I accidentally slipped ever say my name when he called me. "Ai tea can not ... ..". Oh no he knew my name. I had heard he had shouted "Ohh .." When he heard my name. What lest he illfeel directly with me. But he did not frankly.
We continue to pursue our relationship until marriage. After marriage I casually asked how he felt when I found out I was a woman who ask for her hand. He said no problem it was because he seriously wants to get married it's just that there are no candidates. When there is a sms saying offered to him, his first shock, disbelief. "My friend thought it was a hoax. I have just woken up when I read an sms that, so long can only reply. "He said.
It turns out the right choice. He is not only an eloquent activist campus, but also good preaching movement evidenced by significant action. He is also a husband to care. He has been helping me look for head lice because of infected people during training camp program specifically for campus activists. He can make me act like a spoiled child. During this time I was known as the senior sisters of motherhood by my younger sister and my friends so I was surprised it turned out I also have properties such spoiled younger sister of my class named Dewi. Though sometimes I upset him when nature appears despised. Really sorry I could not have chosen him to be my husband. I loved him so much. Now we have been blessed with a daughter who looks just like her face with her father.
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