Death Goddess Justice
Justice is a rare commodity now almost extinct. Responsibilities and kejujuan in the Muslim-majority country. Fraud, corruption, and arrogance increasingly grabbed each of the joints of community life. Leaders should be role models became the leading person in the violation of religious norms, social norms and even laws are made and the legalization of their own.
Disease phenomena of fraud, corruption, and social ills began to emerge and flourish in the midst of the community since we throw away the power of God as the Creator and maker of rules. Since we do not believe that God sees all our activities wherever and whenever is and will be held to accountability.
It is time we return to the straight path. Do not wait for more severe destruction to make us aware.
Label: hikmah
Cows Not BOM Climate

I read on a site that cows are the climate bomb. Cattle play a major role in the expansion of global warming because a lot of cattle produce methane gas. This site is ordered that beef consumption divert society by becoming more environmentally friendly vegetarian. I think the cow is not the main cause of global warming. Cattle have long maintained and not in small amounts, but before the British pioneered the industrial revolution was never in trouble on the environment. Global warming actually started happening since the industrial revolution since CO2 diprodukdi massively by the manufacturer, the machines using fuel from petroleum, refrigerators, etc. and deforestation for agriculture, housing, and other economic activities . In my opinion the reduction of meat consumption did not affect significantly the movements stop global warming. Reducing emissions by various countries in the world, the cessation of forest penggungulah and revamping the management of stable and cow waste bigger role to prevent global warming.
Label: global warming
We Can Not stop Global warming If .....

Many people talk about global warming and do things to prevent global warming from a vegetarian diet, using environmentally friendly fuels, reduce air conditioning usage and others. Officials in various countries gathered to discuss this issue specifically, but global warming could be slowed its speed is much less stopped. Why? The answer is only one because of the industry giants who greedily want to exploit natural resources in this world for themselves by forcing state officials do not want to create binding rules to reduce emissions. Lack of willpower State reduce levels of carbon dioxide emissions is a major contributor to global warming. In addition, the need country prevent deforestation activities and conduct reboisas large in all regions of the world's countries, especially the famous Tropical biological diversity.
Label: global warming
kekuatan 'Percaya"

Kekuatan keyakinan itu TOP Bgt. Aku dapat bocorannya dari ustadzah waktu menghadiri sebuah pengajian beberapa hari aygn lalu. Katanya kalo kita yakin pada keMaha Kuasanya Allah, maka Allah pun akan senantiasa menolong, melindungi, dan memudahkan jalan kita. Awalnya percaya nggak percaya gitu deh. Aku dah nyoba beberapa kali mengutamakan keperluan untuk mengabdi pada Allah dibandingkan keperluanku sendiri, tapi hasilnya biasa aja tuh, malah aku rugi.
Ceritanya pas lagi awal puasa. Besok, aku ada ujian untuk mata kuliah statistika yang sulit banget, tapi aku ikut malah demo ke Jakarta menolak UU SDA yang sangat kental nuansa liberalnya dan menyengsarakan rakyat. Itung-itung nyari tambahan pahala. Ternyata nilaiku tetap pas-pasan karena waktu belajarku jadi berkuang banyak hanya 2 jam. Abis demo aku langsung tidur, nggak jadi belajar karena capai banget. Dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Mungkin karena keyakinanku belum kuat jadi hasil nggak maksimal.
Begitu keluar dari tempat pengajian aku dihadapkan pada dua pilihan. Pilih sholat di awal waktu atau sholat di rumah, yang mungkin nantinya agak-agak mepet karena jauh. Awalnya aku pilih sholat di tengah jalan sekalian nyari makan. Ternyata aku nggak sendiri, ada teman sepengajianku yang pulang bareng aku. Kami nunggu lama, tapi angkot Ciangsana yang jumlahnya terbatas dan jarang muncul, belum tampak batang hidungnya. Bahkan kata bapak-bapak yang berprofesi sebagai calo, kami masih harus nunggu paling dikit setengah jam lagi. Akhirnya kami milih sholat dulu, biar pulangnya nggak keburu-buru dan tenang di perjalanan.
Selesai sholat, aku nggak hanya mudah dapat angkot, tapi juga dapat makan enak dan gratis dari temanku yang bernama mbak Upi. Thanks banget buat Mbak Upi yang dah berbaik hati bagi makan siangnya. Masakan mbak TOP bgt, dan nikmat di lidah meski agak pahit, pengaruh daun pepaya.
Surprisenya lagi tu angkot mau nyari jalan muter yang lebih dekat dengan tempat kosanku. Wah asyik baget ya. Untung saat itu aku yakin lebih milih sholat dulu, mungkin aku bakal nunggu angkot yang entah kapan tahun nongol. Semua itu tergantung keyakinan kita, Bro. ^^
Label: hikmah
Sama-sama KFC Kok Beda Rasa?

Hi, Sob. Kali ini kita masih ngebahas tentang franchise yang mutu antar tempat bisa beda. Beberapa bulan yang, pas lagi jalan-jalan bareng temen2 sekosanku di Bogor, kami mampir ke Pizza Hut. Entah kenapa aku ingin banget pilih KFC, awalnya mo ke Hoka-Hoka Bento, tapi nggak jamin kehalalannya jadi kita pilih ke Pizza Hut. Kami pilih menu pizza paket, biar lebih murah dan dapat nyicip aneka toping pizza. Kami juga pesan minuman dinging cos cuaca panas banget, Bro.
Nah singkat cerita, belum juga makanan habis, perut kami sudah kekenyangan, nggak sanggup ngabisin pizza. Rotinya sih lumayan empuk, tapi nggak berasa jadi malas makannya. Baru bentar dah eneg ni perut. Aku sempat trauma nggak lagi mo makan pizza. Rasanya kok gitu, sih nggak sesuai selera.
Kata si T, itu karena kita pesen yang model paket, kalo pesan yang tanggung pasti rasanya enak. Si T ni sudah sering makan pizza, dan rasanya emang enak jadi mungkin kami agak sial aja dapat pizza yang rasanya mengecewakan gitu. Aku nyoba lagi beli pizza yang ukuran seang, pesan ama si M, teman sekosanku juga yang lagi pesta makan di Pizza Hut bareng temen-temen volinya. Rasanya emang lebih enak sih daripada yang model paket gitu, namun masih nggak menggugah seleraku gitu deh.
Karena masih penasaran dengan masakan yang konon berasal dari Italia ini, aku coba pesan lagi lewat si T yang katanya lagi mampir ke Pizza Hut yang di Kalibata. Aku pesan ukuran sedang yang rasa jamur. Rasanya cucok, Bro. Wuenak tenan, nggak nyesel keluar uang hampir 100rb. Jadi emang yang di Bogor itu kelihatannya rasanya agak beda. Mungkin karena yang masak beda, jadi rasa juga ikut mempengaruhi meski resep sama persis.
Aku mencoba membuktikan lagi teoriku ini. Coba datang ke Pizza Hut yang beda lagi tempatnya, kali ini di Cibubur Junction. Dari segi rasa, lebih enak daripada yang di Bogor, tpai masih dibawah yang di Kalibata.
Jadi kesimpulannya sentuhan akhir dari tangan manusia inilah yang membuat rasa makanan dengan resep sama bisa beda rasa dan mungkin juga suasana hati sang pembuatnya. Beda sekali dengan barang buatan pabrik, serupa nyaris tak ada bedanya. Bisa dibilang keahlian manusia memang khas, unik, dan tak ada yang sama satu sama lain meski mereka dididik dengan pola yang sama, oleh orang yang sama dan tinggal di tempat yang sama. ^^
Label: wisata kuliner

Tempat di Jakarta yagn sering aku kunjungi, 3 bulan sekali paling lama yaitu Glodok. Di Glodok aku bisa berburu DVD2 bajakan wuxia yang jadi genre favoritku selain dorama yang diangkat dari cerita komik atau kartun Jepang macam Naruto, Gash Bell de el el. Pertama kali ke sana dulu agak kagok juga cos diantara smua pengunjung cuma aku ama si T yang berkerudung. Kita berdua jadi kayak ikan salah habitat, tapi aku cuek bebek. Ini kan tempat umum jadi nggak ada alasan kami nggak bisa ke sini.
Awal puasa, pas aku semester akhir, aku ingin ngerasain buka puasa di tempat yang beda. Kebetulan jadwal kuliah agak kosong, jadi aku sama si T cabut ke Glodok searching DVD2 film terbaru sambil ngabuburit di KFC. Abis sholat Asar dan searching, kira-kira jam 16.00 WIB kami sudah nongkrong di KFC, nunggu Azan Maghrib.
Kami sengaja datang duluan karena biasanya menjelang sore, KFC sering penuh, jadi kami bisa susah pesan malah yang lebih gawat lagi nggak dapat tempat. Wuih nggak asyik banget ya. Tujuan utamaku ke sini kan selain nyari DVD, emang mau ngabuburit di KFC. Pingin aja ngerasain atmosfer yang beda gitu.
Dan tebakan si T emang tepat, abis kami duduk, para pengunjung banyak yang antri. Untung kami dah datang duluan jadi masih sempat dapat tempat. Dalam waktu sejam aja tempat penuh banget, hiruk pikuk suara orang berciap-ciap (emang ayam?). Tapi yang bikin aku nyesek itu hanya sedikit yang puasa. Kentara banget, belum azan sudah makan duluan. Hanya meja tempatku dan 2 orang cowok yang duduk di depanku yang nunggu azan dulu baru makan.
Abis azan dikumandangkan aku segera melahap abis hidangan yang ada di depanku. Rasa ayam enak banget deh, nggak ada duanya. Dalam waktu singkat piringku sudah licin tandas. Itu buka puasa paling mewah yang pernah ku alami seumur hidupku (budjetnya sampai 50 ribu biasanya kan hanya 10 ribu itu pun dah yagn paling mahal) . Aku puas banget deh dan memberi kredit poin yang tinggi untuk KFC dan niat mo datang lagi kalo ada dana.
Ada satu pertanyaan yang agak ganjel di hati. Ku dengar KFC itu (sebagai franchise) mutunya sama, dari resep yang sama sesuai dengan yang aslinya di Amrik sono. Akan tetapi menurutku tetap aja KFC paling enak (ayamnya enak dan lembut) itu di Glodok. Pas aku nyoba KFC yang di Bogor kok rasa ayamnya agak beda ya, kurang renyah gitu deh. Waktu ku tanya si T, ia bilang. “CFC kali Mbak. CFC kan masih dibawah KFC.”
“KFC, kok.” Balasku ngotot karena emang aku nggak salah lihat. Si T nggak kalah ngeyelnya, tetap bilang CFC. Rupanya temenku itu belum tahu kalo KFC buka cabang di dekat stasiun Bogor. Ia baru bilang aku benar, emang KFC.
Ada nggak dari sobat-sobat setiaku yang tahu kenapa rasanya beda? Please. Aku tunggu jawabannya. ^^
Label: wisata kuliner
love of my life in railway stations

Hi, friends how are you? This is one of the true story of my college friends call aja named T who live in Jaksel. He was most pleased to take advantage of KRL because of where he lived very near to the station. There is one habit that I do not like from her (We were friends roommate so I know his schedule), which often took the train during the night hours 8an, prone to criminality. I once came home too late from Jakarta after joining the show in Jakarta and almost stolen. I've scolded her several times, but was ignored because he was used.
At 8 pm, I climbed KRL AC. I'm busy reading the dictates of college, no matter the noisy atmosphere around me. I understand it, the hours like this, it's crowded hour-collar employees who work in Jakarta home. But usually up in Depok Lama, the number of passengers will be reduced drastically to stay half.
I pressed his legs and hands trying to block out the chill of the night wind that pierces the bone. Oh, damn if it did I bring a jacket. It is very cold. My teeth chattered against the cold. Beep beep beep ..., my HP sound again for a long time. I read a while, it was an sms from Mbak Dewi, my roommate. "Tin, what time to go home? Later when it came to miss the call. I'm going to bed already sleepy. "I replied" Maybe 10 hours of the night I just got here. I'm new to the UI station" Only five minutes, my HP have sound again. "Do not be too late, don’t forget, buy the fried rice at the Pangkalan Ojek, please."
"I can not promise. If there's time I'll buy. "After that Sister Goddess not sms anymore. Sister Goddess, my roommate easy person is concerned. Always sms if for example I came home more than 8 hours. Yet too often come home Mbak Dewi 12 hours a night since college at rental tasks. Because I was busy reading sms from Mbak Dewi, I did not realize there was a man aged 30s, approached me.
He said "Ma'am, please if you like his jacket. It seems from this cold Ma'am. ". At first I refused, but because I was cold to hesitate I received the jacket. After that we got the chance to chat. He story he is working as cameramen in a bonafide private station in Indonesia. As for me stories about my college. It turns out she lives in Bogor, not too far from where boarders. Before leaving we had time to exchange no HP.
Almost a year I never saw him again, though I often took the train back and forth each time the Jakarta-Bogor. I almost forgot to ever meet him until one day he sms that he replace the phone. Since then we often do not know the sms and phone time. Incidentally at that time my relationship with her name my boy friend call it A, is not fluent, so I'm pleased with the attention. As usual Mbak Dewi angry because I was disturbing his sleep because the phone until midnight. But I ignored it, was used to being scolded. From sms this, I suspect he's like me. Apparently thought appropriate. He say if he is like me and wanted to see me again in my house.
Confused and do not want a wrong move, I tell Mbak Dewi often be the place where I asked for advice. "Ma'am, I'll have to say anything if you seen him?". Mbak Dewi said that "if a guy is not serious, just playing better leave it out. But if he was serious, have to wait until you graduate, and during the waiting period that no longer good relationship from the phone or sms for testing how deep seriousness. "
Mbak Dewi include activist anti dating, so he would give us advice that I may not go out with him. But I think her advice may be as well. This time without seeing any value in college was bad, just yesterday had almost dropped out. If not for that though captious Mbak Dewi faithfully helped me do the work, accompanied the study, I do not know how my fate. He who accompanied me to Mr. Cece, Kadep IPTP, when I propose to move majors in college. He who diligently to persuade Mr. Cece to accept me. Really I'm very fond of her and listened to his advice which though annoying, but wise since then.
I followed the advice of Mbak Dewi, I even wrote the words (I'm the weakest line up a good and polite, far too often Mbak Dewi edit the report in college so I could get good grades) in HP Mbak Dewi. I briefly borrowed HP Mbak Dewi
As, the previous apology. About your request after thought, I refused. I am not interested in dating seriously in the sense of touch. I still have much to do for college and my life. If you seriously like it at me, please wait for me until I graduated. During the wait please do not sms or phone me. Later when I passed that will sms. Whatever you want to accept it or not. Thank you.
I do not think he accepted my suggestion that rather strange. According to the promise he could no longer reach me. He once called me when Lebaran Idul Fitri. Our relationship became more serious since then and I have to tell Dad and my sisters. Papa and Ijal, my sister even intend to examine how the guy's sincerity. Finally I get a sweetheart. It was a relief, if the sweetheart with its commitment seriously and does not preclude a career candidate.
... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... *** ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
This is just one wonderful story that happened on the train and many other interesting stories that could be disclosed. Why can form beautiful story? The answer is just a friendly one for passenger trains, not cold-hearted, selfish, individualistic, but more care among fellow passengers. I often get to know new and share stories with fellow passengers. Exciting right, well are you waiting for. Try carving a passenger and a wonderful story here. Greetings from the most maniz girls worldwide, Chi. ^ ^
Label: love train
love stories at the train station

Station Friendly Part 1
My friend does not ever take the train? If not, try once tuh guaranteed fun, deh. The first time, I am try to ride the train I'm going home first time with my sister class named anchor Mbak Anjar, Mbak Anti, and Mbak Betty is still one district, but different sub-districts (I dare not go home alone because it has not memorized the way).
Actually I did not really know Mbak Anjar et al. They were seniors in college, very rarely met. But I only know how good they are and how grateful I have a senior like them when I'm going home by train. Here's the story.
After the home village, I'll have UTS (Middle Exam Semester). Because this is my first year getting a bit worried if its value bad so I take it all lecture materials. Until there are loads of luggage 2 large bags. One backpack and one suitcase. Weight really brought it up to red hands and blisters here and there. It contained all the lecture materials, no parcel for that in the village. Because money is thin, just enough for doang home village. Most rest a little.
When I arrived at the house of Sister Anjar. "Astagfirullah Al adzim, dik so much luggage just like I'm moving house" she exclaimed in surprise. "We all wait to Senen train economy. The train is often crowded and the drop in passengers must cepet really. I could have you missed the train just because of objections brought the goods. Can not reduced? Bring the essentials only. "Further said that while helping me put my bags into the room Sister Anjar. Because the same uncomfortable Sister Anjar had kindly bought me a ticket. Yes, already I'm unloading luggage again. I just took a slide and lecture notes, lectures and training, while a thick heavy I stay because besides I also had it memorized.
For the prospective passengers who want to going home by train alone, do not try to carry a lot. Since the station was very crowded with passengers the sellers, etc. Do not let being busy carrying heavy bags, we actually went wrong and finally dimarah carriage of passengers in the car (I never experience any trouble dimarah carriage), or a more serious because it is difficult to miss the train entered the carriage. Hmmmm not really fun huh? It's the little things deh cancel our tickets back and forth.
Well, until at Senen, turned out to prospective travelers do not so much. H-5 already, but still pretty quiet. I ama Mbak Anjar et entrain Main Dusk business class later in the continued economic train to Randu Blatung. Especially for I must ride the bus again to Blora, just got home. Fun-fun's journey from Jakarta to Semarang, not any barriers. I had a meal of noodles fried omelet plus artificial Sister Betty who was sitting bench with me. Luckily, there were Mbak Betty because I'm not sure I can buy fried rice sold in the train, my money is just enough to transport it.
Our trip only disturbed when we took the train from Semarang to Randublatung economy. Suddenly the train that we rode on strike in the middle of the road. The engineer said we should wait a minute. They want to take a locomotive at Semarang first because locomotives are now broken, do not want the road. "Well ....", I yelled disappointed. I'm so tired sitting on. Create entertainment we chatted with a passenger in our train.
Not bad we got a lot of new acquaintances with our different cities. We really fun chatting with them until the train was not aware the road again. we waited there approximately 3 hours. Here she cried on the train. He's friendly, can talk to, make the journey. Sometimes we exchange for food or beverages during travel. because the time was fast, so food does not rate. Very different if you take the bus. body was tired, no friends chat. They were really cool with fellow passengers, rarely chat. Sometimes I worry too missed the bus when praying, so sometimes less solemn prayers. Really uncomfortable. If the example given value (in terms of hospitality) with a scale of 1-10, I give the executive bus value of 3 if the train 7.
Sobat pernah naik kereta api nggak ? Kalo belum pernah, coba dulu tuh dijamin asyik, deh. Pertama kali nyoba naik kereta tu pas pertama kali aku mudik bareng kakak kelasku namanya Mbak anjar, Mbak Anti, dan Mbak Betty yang masih satu kabupaten, tapi beda kecamatan (Aku nggak berani pulang sendiri coz belum apal jalan, friends).
Sebenarnya aku nggak begitu kenal deket ama Mbak Anjar dkk. Mereka tuh seniorku di kampus, jarang bgt ketemu. Tapi aku baru tahu betapa baiknya mereka dan betapa bersyukurnya aku punya senior seperti mereka saat aku mudik naik kereta. Begini ceritanya.
Abis pulang kampong nanti, aku ada UTS (Ulangan Tengah Semester). Karena ini tahun pertamaku jadi rada-rada khawatir kalo nilainya ancur jadi aku bawa semua bahan kuliah. Bawaanku banyak banget sampe ada 2 tas gedhe. Satu tas ransel and satunya lagi di koper. Berat bgt bawanya sampai tanganku merah-merah dan lecet di sana-sini. Isinya bahan kuliah smua, nggak ada oleh-oleh buat yg di kampung. Soalnya uangku tipis, hanya cukup buat pulang kampong doing. Paling nyisa dikit.
Pas nyampe di kosan Mbak Anjar. “Astagfirullah al adzim, dik banyak amat bawaannya kayak mo pindahan aja” serunya kaget. “Dik, kita nanti ke Senen naik kereta ekonomi. Keretanya sering padat penumpang dan turunnya mesti cepet banget. Bisa-bisa kamu ketinggalan kereta hanya gara-gara keberatan bawa barang. Bisa dikurangin nggak? Bawa yang penting-penting aja.” Lanjutnya bantuin aku bawain tas. Karena nggak enak ati sama Mbak Anjar yang dah baik hati beliin aku tiket. Ya udah aku bongkar bawaanku lagi. Aku hanya membawa slide dan catatan kuliah, sedangkan diktat kuliah yang tebel2 aku tinggal karena selain berat juga aku dah hafal isinya.
Buat para calon penumpang yang mo mudik pake kereta sendiri aja, jangan coba-coba deh bawa barang banyak. Karena station tu rame bgt dengan penumpang, orang yang ngantar, para penjual dlll. Jangan sampe karena sibuk ngangkat2 tas yang berat, kita malah salah masuk gerbong dan akhirnya dimarahin penumpang di gerbong itu (Aku pengalaman pernah dimarahin gara-gara salah gerbong. Katanya aku ngabis-abisin tempat.), atau yang lebih gawatz lagi ketinggalan kereta karena susah masuk gerbong. Hmmmm benar-benar nggak asyik ya? Gara-gara hal sepele batal deh tiket mudik kita.
Nah, sampai di Senen, ternyata para calon pemudik nggak begitu banyak. Udah H-5, tapi masih lumayan sepi. Aku ama Mbak Anjar dkk naik kereta api kelas bisnis Senja Utama ntar di sambung kereta ekonomi ke Randu Blatung. Khusus untuk aku mesti naik lagi bus ke Blora. Perjalanannya sih asyik-asyik aja dari Jakarta ke Semarang, nggak ada hambatan. Aku sempat sahur mie goreng puls telur dadar bikinan Mbak Betty yang duduk sebangku denganku. Untung ada Mbak Betty cos aku nggak yakin bisa beli nasi goreng yang dijual di kereta, uangku bener2 ngepas buat transport doang.
Perjalanan kami baru terganggu pas kami naik kereta api ekonomi dari Semarang ke Randublatung. Tiba-tiba kereta yang kami tumpangi ngadat di tengah jalan. Masinis bilang kita mesti nunggu bentar. Mereka mo ambil lokomotif di Semarang karena lokomotif yang sekarang ngadat, nggak mo jalan. “Ya elah….”, seruku dongkol. Aku benar2 capek bgt duduk terus. Buat hiburan kami ngobrol dengan penumpang di gerbong kami.
Lumayan lho kami dapat banyak kenalan baru yang beda kota dengan kami. Kami ngobrol ama mereka seru bgt sampai nggak nyadar kereta dah jalan lagi, ya kira-kira ada 3 jam. Inilah serunya naik kereta. Orangnya friendly, bisa diajak ngobrol, buat ngisi perjalanan. Kadang2 kita malah tukar makanan or minuman selama perjalanan. Berhubung waktu itu lagi puasa, jadi nggak tukar makanan seh. Beda bgt kalo naik bus. udah capek, nggak ada temen ngobrol. Mereka cuek bgt ama sesama penumpang, jarang ngobrol. Terkadang aku juga khawatir ketinggalan bus pas lagi sholat, makanya sholatnya kadang2 kurang khusyuk. Belum lagi kadang aku mesti kerepotan ingat2 no bus. Bener2 nggak nyaman deh. Kalo mo diberi nilai (dari segi friendly) dengan skala 1-10, naik bus eksekutif aku kasih nilai 3 kalo kereta api 7.
Label: about train